Supplements to Wake Your Brain Up and Boost Focus

Do you reach for that cup of coffee after you wake up to clear your foggy brain and focus better on everything life will throw at you throughout the day? You’re not alone; in fact, recent figures estimate that 63 percent of US adults drink coffee regularly. Coffee’s ability to help us wake up and focus isn’t a placebo effect either. Let’s face it: coffee works!

However, we are also familiar with coffee’s effects as that morning boost wears off. The first effect we notice is that brutal caffeine crash. Not only can this crash lead to a loss of focus and difficulties with concentrating, but it can also cause us to feel tired and irritable again (just like we were feeling in the morning before drinking that cup of coffee)!

Now, you might turn to another cup of coffee in the afternoon to carry you to the end of the workday. Unfortunately, it is widely known that caffeine can lead to sleep issues, especially when it is consumed late in the day.

Simply put, it is safe to say that relying exclusively on caffeine to help us focus throughout the day can be a tricky line to walk when it comes to our comprehensive wellness.

The good news is that there exists a wide array of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are known to naturally promote a clear mind and enhanced focus, and EVEXIAS Health Solutions carries a full lineup of products that have been developed with these nutrients! Discover these five supplements that could provide you with a cognitive boost and help you stay sharp throughout the day.

B Complex

B Complex is the name given to the group of eight vitamins that have been classified as B vitamins. While all B vitamins are known for helping the body convert food into energy, they have also earned the reputation for contributing to healthy brain function as well.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a crucial component in the synthesis of various neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for the synthesis of certain flavoproteins that are essential to cognitive function.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) has been recognized as a factor in reducing the risk of Parkinson’s disease and other forms of cognitive decline.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is needed by your body for the synthesis of coenzyme A, which has a crucial role in brain cell function and the production of various neurotransmitters.

Vitamin B7 (biotin) is needed by your brain for both the delivery and metabolism of glucose.

Vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folate) and B12 (cobalamin) all assist your body with the metabolism of homocysteine, a process that has been recognized for reducing the risk of dementia and other forms of cognitive decline. Vitamin B6 is also known for its crucial role in the synthesis of mood-regulating neurotransmitters.

B Complex from EVEXIAS Health Solutions combines the full B Complex of vitamins in one capsule for the support of optimal cognitive function and whole body health!


B vitamins aren’t the only vitamins that have been recognized for supporting healthy brain function.

Vitamin A is known to be a crucial component of brain development, and it has also earned a reputation for supporting the healthy storage and recovery of memory.

High levels of vitamin D have been connected to a reduced risk of neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease.

Like vitamin D, vitamin K has been connected to a reduced risk of neurodegeneration. Some research suggests that vitamin K may also be able to enhance your ability to learn and retain information.

ADK combines vitamins A, D, and K into each capsule of this nutraceutical product. ADK is available in two strengths and has been designed to support optimal bone health and other facets of comprehensive wellness in addition to healthy brain function.

Omega Plus

If you talk to someone who uses supplements daily, they will probably tell you that fish oil is a part of their routine. Fish oil products contain concentrated amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are a type of beneficial polyunsaturated fat sourced from a variety of fish including mackerel, sardines, salmon, and cod.

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two types of omega-3 fatty acids that are sourced from fish and utilized in fish oil supplements. EPA and DHA have long been recognized for their ability to support healthy cardiovascular function, but some experts have recently asserted that these omega-3 fatty acids could also give your brain a boost. Recent research suggests a connection between higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids in people with higher scores in both reading and logical reasoning.

Omega Plus is a nutraceutical product that has been designed to provide your body with these beneficial fatty acids. Each soft gel has been packed with healthy concentrations of EPA, DHA, and vitamin D3.

L-Theanine Support

L-theanine is one of the many amino acids that your body relies on in order to function properly. L-theanine is also classified as an essential amino acid because your body cannot produce it naturally. This amino acid, which can be found in green tea and black tea, has been a staple of Eastern medicine for centuries.

L-theanine has long been lauded for its ability to promote feelings of calm and relaxation while also supporting healthy sleep cycles, but some researchers have also found that this powerful amino acid could also improve focus, verbal fluency and other areas of cognitive function.

L-Theanine Support provides your body with this essential amino acid in a nutraceutical capsule. This product has also been developed with Suntheanine®, a patented brand of L-theanine that has been recognized for its high level of purity and ability to promote feelings of calm and relaxation without leading to feelings of drowsiness.

Curcumin Support

Turmeric is a gold-colored spice and, like both green and black teas, has been utilized for centuries in Eastern medicine. This spice has long been recognized for its strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which can be attributed to its active ingredient known as curcumin.

Curcumin is a polyphenol, which is a class of phytonutrients, and it has earned the reputation for supporting a variety of functions and processes that contribute to whole body health, including optimal cardiovascular function, bone health, gastrointestinal (GI) function, skin health and cognitive function.

In regards to cognitive function, recent research has pointed out that curcumin can improve both your mood and memory. This potent phytonutrient has also been known to provide additional cognitive support by increasing levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which can boost focus in addition to enhancing memory.

Curcumin Support combines Curcumin C3 Complex® with Bioperine® (piper nigrum) fruit extract for maximum bioavailability (absorbability).

Find the Perfect Professional Grade Nutraceutical for You

Whether you’re trying to support healthy brain function, sleep patterns, cardiovascular function, stress response, cardiovascular function, bones, GI function or any other aspect of comprehensive wellness, EVEXIAS Health Solutions has you covered! Find a provider near you today to start your wellness journey!

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