Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Men

Men can experience hormonal imbalance at any point in life, however most men reach peak levels of testosterone decline around middle-age. At this point, symptoms, such as mood swings, sleep problems, sexual dysfunction, and more can begin to occur at a greater frequency and with more intensity. When a man is afflicted with multiple symptoms related to low testosterone, it is often called andropause or “the male menopause.” 

Men may experience other forms of hormone imbalance, including thyroid disorder, adrenal fatigue and erectile dysfunction. A provider trained and certified in hormone health can help men identify the root cause of their symptoms and offer comprehensive treatment plans. 

Hormone imbalance symptoms in men may include: 

If you are experiencing one of these symptoms on a frequent basis or multiple symptoms with increasing regularity, it is time to speak with a provider trained and certified in hormone health. EVEXIAS Health Solutions trains providers to assess your symptoms, lab results, and discuss how your life has changed since symptoms began. He/she can develop a complete treatment plan that includes bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, advanced nutraceuticals, and other integrated functional medicine therapies that help reduce stress and lower risk of disease. 

Andropause or Low Testosterone in Men

On average, testosterone production decreases in men by approximately two percent each year, reaching peak declines around middle age. A 70-year-old man has about one-third of the testosterone he had as a 20-something.  

Men often dismiss the signs of andropause or low testosterone as aging or stress, which can lead to other conditions or even progress into disease. Low testosterone is correlated with heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. If you notice one or more symptoms such as muscle loss or trouble building muscle mass, irritability or depression, sexual dysfunction, trouble sleeping or lagging energy, it’s time to take action. Low testosterone can quickly become a bigger issue for aging men, making it essential for men to seek treatment when symptoms initially appear. 

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is characterized by the inability to attain and maintain a firm erection to engage in sexual activity or intercourse. The root cause of ED varies, but in most cases a hormone imbalance is to blame.  

Men who frequently experience high levels of stress can secrete excess cortisol, which can negatively impact testosterone. At high levels, prolactin, a chemical produced by the pituitary gland, can impair the achievement of an erection. Overproduction of prolactin causes a decline in testosterone leading to ED. Hypothyroidism is often correlated with an increased production of prolactin. 

Too much estrogen, a condition known as estrogen dominance, can also impair erectile function. Liver disease is one factor that commonly contributes to estrogen dominance. However, estrogen dominance can also occur when testosterone levels drop as a result of aging. The symptoms of estrogen dominance include: weight gain, anxiety, gynecomastia, or loss of muscle mass. 

Conditions that cause constriction of the veins, diabetes, and certain blood pressure medications are also associated with ED. Unrestricted blood flow is important to achieving an erection. When an erection occurs, the brain signals the release of nitric oxide. This triggers relaxation of the penis muscles and allows blood to flow into the organ. If nitric oxide is not released or blood flow is restricted due to high levels of plaque in the body, an erection will not occur. 

Inadequate levels of testosterone are correlated with more serious issues than just sexual dysfunction. Research has shown that low testosterone can increase risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, and osteoporosis. 

If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, don’t wait to get help. A provider certified and trained in hormone health can help you restore sexual performance and desire. EVEXIAS Health Solutions tratins providers to partner with patients to develop a treatment plan that ideally fits your lifestyle and supports your path to reaching your personal optimization goals. 

Thyroid Disorder in Men

Thyroid disorders are diagnosed five times more often in women than in men. A 2015 study found that in the case of hypothyroidism, women are more likely to report symptoms and seek treatment. This can be a dangerous trend among men because thyroid disorders can contribute to other diseases and conditions, including erectile dysfunction in men. 

Thyroid dysfunction is frequently caused by a disruption of TSH, T3, and T4. The feedback loop among these three hormones is a highly delicate balance. Production of T3 and T4 are regulated by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). Higher quantities of T4 are produced because T4 is converted to T3 in the liver to support a number of functions throughout the body. Adequate levels of T3 and T4 in the bloodstream suppress production and release of TSH. Thyroid dysfunction may occur when TSH produces too little or too much of T4 or T3. Other causes of thyroid disorder can be poor conversion of T4 to T3. All of these issues may be influenced by lifestyle factors, including stress, poor nutrition, and environmental toxins). 

The thyroid impacts nearly every cell in the body, playing a key role in the function of your metabolism. Men with thyroid disorder may experience low energy, chronic fatigue, hair loss, and erectile dysfunction. 

If you are experiencing symptoms of thyroid disorder, it is important to speak with a medical provider that is trained and certified in hormone health. EVEXIAS Health Solutions trains providers to examine and understand a comprehensive lab panel to ensure you get a treatment plan that is tailored specifically for you and your path to optimization. 

Adrenal Fatigue in Men

Stress is one of the most common contributors to health decline. Men’s health is often greatly affected because men are less likely to seek treatment or engage in activities or therapies that support stress reduction. 

High levels of stress are a leading cause of hormone imbalance in men. Adrenal fatigue is a condition in which the adrenal glands become overtaxed and are unable to properly support stress response mechanisms. Cortisol is the primary hormone associated with stress management. It is also known as your “fight or flight” hormone. When stress levels remain high over prolonged periods of time, the adrenal glands respond with excess production of cortisol. Eventually, the adrenal glands fail to produce enough cortisol to meet the demands of your body. This ignites a chain reaction, plummeting other hormone levels like DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). DHEA is an important hormone because it plays a role in regulation of nearly every hormone in the body. Without DHEA and plummeting levels of cortisol, men can experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and may also be at increased risk of disease if left untreated. 

Solutions to adrenal fatigue often include hormone replacement therapy, supplementation with advanced nutraceuticals, and stress-reduction therapies. Your provider may also recommend a diet low in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol, all of which can exacerbate the problem. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Hormone replacement therapy is a simple and effective solution to low testosterone in men. Research has shown that men who pursue hormone therapy for low testosterone enjoy symptom relief as well as additional benefits, such as reduced risk of heart attack or stroke. 

Testosterone pellet therapy is the leading choice of hormone therapy for men because it is easy to use, avoids the dosing errors commonly associated with other forms of testosterone therapy, and delivers bioidentical testosterone in a safe and highly optimized form. 

Men on testosterone therapy report increased energy level, better weight management and enhanced sexual desire and performance. Studies of testosterone therapy back these testimonials, as well as suggest that adequate testosterone levels are linked to better bone density with aging and improvements in spatial reasoning among Alzheimer’s patients 

EvexiPEL testosterone pellet therapy is the superior form of hormone replacement therapy for men. EvexiPEL is made with only the highest quality ingredients and compounded at a 503B FDA-registered pharmacy that maintains the highest standard of safety, efficacy, and cleanliness in the industry. Every testosterone pellet is custom-compounded to meet the specific needs of the patient and created from all-natural plant sources.  

If you’re experiencing hormone imbalance, you can find a provider near you who is certified and trained in delivering comprehensive treatment plans that include EvexiPEL testosterone therapy.