Men and women have been using pellet implantation for their hormone replacement therapy (HRT) needs for almost a century now. Many people prefer pellets to other methods, because they provide more consistent dosing throughout each day and do not require as many applications.
Although hormone pellets are considered safe, there are side effects that may occur with standard pellet therapy. These side effects include extrusion of the pellet, infection, skin discoloration and minor bleeding or bruising at the insertion site. While pellet extrusions are the most common side effect of hormone pellets, they still only occur to less than one percent of people who undergo a pellet implantation procedure.
There are also some possible (yet rare) side effects that may occur due to changes in hormone levels and are not exclusive to pellet therapy. These generally occur as the body adjusts to new (and balanced) hormone levels, including acne, unwanted hair growth, oily skin, increased body fat and fatigue.
Hormone pellets are small discs about the size of a grain of rice that are comprised of compressed hormones. The preferred pellets of the EvexiPEL Method are bioidentical, which means that they are plant based and custom-compounded to ensure that they are structurally identical to the hormone made naturally by the human body.
Hormone pellet insertions are generally completed in 15 minutes by a highly-trained HRT practitioner. The practitioner would then clean a small area on the hip or buttock before injecting a local anesthetic to numb the insertion site. They then create a small incision and implant the pellet disc in the fatty tissue just below the skin. After the practitioner cleans the site with a sterile dressing, the procedure is complete. Most people find the procedure to be painless and the recovery to be minimal.
Once the pellets have been implanted, they are metabolized at a consistent rate, providing steady dosing for months. The duration of the pellet is based on cardiac output, gender, and dosing. For most women, an insertion is required every 3 to 4 months. For men, insertions are generally every 5 to 6 months.
Pellets, like other forms of HRT, support the body by providing balance to the fluctuating hormone levels that accompany menopause and the aging process in general. Where pellets stand out from other forms of HRT is in their convenience and stability. Whereas creams, gels, pills, capsules and even liquid injections can lead to “rollercoaster” dosing, pellets have been designed to release hormones consistently throughout each treatment cycle.
Dr. Terri DeNeui, founder of EVEXIAS Health Solutions, developed the EvexiPEL Method after observing the pain, discomfort, and inconsistent results of other methods and pellets. Using 15 years of her own research, Dr. DeNeui formulated a pellet and insertion method that improves comfort during the procedure, minimizes side effects, and achieves steady dosing throughout each treatment cycle. The EvexiPEL Method has helped thousands of men and women optimize their overall health and wellness through hormonal balance.
To discover greater vitality and enhanced overall wellness, find an EvexiPEL-certified practitioner near you today.
Find out more about the EvexiPEL® Method and see if you qualify to join the Certified EvexiPEL® Medical Provider Network.
Is your medical provider in our network? Let us know and we’ll reach out to them about becoming a Certified EvexiPEL® Provider, bringing you one step closer to receiving your hormone replacement therapy.
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