Natural Ways to Balance Hormones

Article Reviewed By The Medical Faculty and Advisory Review Board

At EvexiPEL, we pride ourselves in taking a multi-faceted, dynamic approach to balancing hormones. We also don’t think pellet therapy is the only option.

We know that every patient is different, and we will always dig deep until we find the root cause of our patients’ health concerns.

For some patients, this means they’ll need an approach that involves more than just BHRT. We’re not offended by this – we want to help!

Over the years, we have found the mind, body, and spirit all need to be addressed to fully heal from your hormonal imbalances.

Our integrated approach to hormone balancing includes examining patients’ DNA, toxicity, and gut health to achieve maximum results.

1. DNA

Research shows the way we metabolize hormones is written into our genetic code. This means our practitioners are aware each patient will metabolize hormones differently. And thus, our patients will be able to develop treatment plans accordingly.

2. Toxicity

Let’s first be clear: toxins don’t just come in the form of chemicals and pollutants. We’re talking about social and mental toxins as well:

  • Unhealthy relationships
  • Unnecessary stress

These items can contribute to hormonal imbalances. After our practitioners have a good idea of the daily toxins their patients are exposed to, they can begin to take steps to reduce, and eventually eliminate, those toxins.

3. Gut Health

Gut health is essential, and it directly correlates with:

  • Autoimmune issues
  • Inflammation
  • Mental health 

And of course, if your gut isn’t healthy, you can’t effectively metabolize hormones. To fully realize the root cause of a patient’s hormonal imbalances, our practitioners will always examine their gut health, and thus be able to prescribe a course of treatment effectively.

Specific Steps to Take

Now we’ve talked about the basics, let’s take a look at more specific steps you can take to balance your hormones in your everyday life.

Although these suggestions won’t change your DNA, they can play a role in your levels of toxicity and gut health.

1. Sleep More

The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be overstated. And we’re not just talking about one good night’s sleep; we’re talking about consistently getting 7-8 hours of sleep.

Even if you are doing everything else right – eating well, exercising, all that – if you’re not giving your body the sleep it needs, your health and hormone levels will likely suffer.

Without a full night’s sleep, your body won’t be able to go through all five stages of the sleep cycle.

This can disrupt your circadian rhythm and stop the release of essential hormones that are regulated during sleep; the results of this can include, increased stress, anxiety, weight gain, and more.

2. Eat More Healthy Fats and Fewer Carbs

Not all fats are created equal. We are happy to talk with you more about good healthy fats to eat, but as a rule of thumb – natural is always better!

Consuming healthy, natural fats can help control your appetite, reduce inflammation, and promote insulin resistance. Good examples of healthy fats are coconut oil, avocados, fatty fish (salmon is a great one), olive oil and nuts (walnuts are particularly good).

Carbohydrates, on the other hand, typically lead to inflammation and numerous other health problems. Once again, there are different kinds of carbs. Refined carbohydrates are the ones you want to steer clear of, while carbs made with whole grains are OK in moderation.

3. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is good for lots of reasons – physical and mental. Regular exercise has been shown to increase levels of beneficial hormones, while also reducing insulin levels.

It is recommended that you engage in a variety of types of exercise – aerobic, strength training, and endurance training. And if you’re not quite ready to run a marathon; no worries. Even an evening walk around the block is beneficial.

4. Address Stress and Emotional Imbalances

It’s not just “hippie thinking” – stress can drastically affect your hormonal balances. Cortisol and adrenaline are the major stress hormones. Imbalances in hormones can lead to:

  • Excessive calorie intake
  • High blood pressure
  • Rapid heart rate

It’s beneficial to devote 10 minutes a day to stress-reducing activities, such as yoga, meditation, a quiet bath or a walk.

We Can Help

Whatever you may need, we’ll be sure to give you the individual attention (including follow-up visits) you deserve.

We won’t be satisfied until we know that you’re feeling your best. And of course, we will help give you whatever tools you need to undergo your lifestyle changes.

It may also take follow-up visits and adjustments to your treatment over time, but in our opinion, that’s a small price to pay for getting your quality of life back!

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