5 Ways to Identify Hormonal Imbalances

Article Reviewed By The Medical Faculty and Advisory Review Board

Our bodies send us signals all day, every day. For example, when we don’t drink enough water, we may get a headache, or if you’re hungry, your stomach may rumble. The same rings true whenever our bodies may be experiencing changes or imbalances with our hormones.

So, what’s the big deal? Many people may assume imbalanced hormones is just a part of life, and they’ll naturally fall back in place.

However, hormones play a vital role in our body’s function; they control metabolism, growth, and reproduction, among other things.

Balanced hormones keep our health on track, even if you feel completely normal your body may be trying to tell you something. Here are six signs of hormonal imbalance that you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Hot Flashes

Although typically associated with menopause, this telltale sign of out-of-whack hormones can occur in anyone, male or female, young or old.

Hot flashes tend to signify an imbalance in progesterone. If left unattended, improper progesterone levels can cause complications like infertility or weight gain.

2. Recurring Infections

If your body can’t shake an infection, or for females you have multiple yeast infections or UTIs, you should have your hormone levels checked.

3. Change in Appetite

Are you experiencing sudden cravings or strange patterns of hunger that aren’t typical? This hunger could be a result of a spike in levels of the hormone ghrelin, which controls hunger. This tip is just one reason many people experiencing hormonal issues tend to gain weight.

4. Changes in Hair and Skin

Hormones are linked to the vitality of your hair and skin. Do you feel your hair is becoming brittle or thinning or that your skin appears to be lackluster?

This could be your hormones. Dry hair, skin, and brittle nails are also common signs of changing hormones.

5. Mood Swings

Both men and women report changes in mood, particularly feeling irritable or the inability to focus when experiencing hormonal changes.

Thanks to surges in estrogen, you may feel extreme mood swings or depression that you haven’t dealt with before.

Our bodies are intuitive, and they are always speaking to us, whether we choose to listen and act or not is completely up to us.

We Can Help

However, ignoring the five signs above could lead to hormone-related diseases like diabetes, osteoporosis, and much more.

If you want to review a full list of symptoms, you can see one for women here and another for men here.

Can you identify with any of the symptoms above or on the lists? We recommend scheduling your completely confidential consultation today!

Speak with one of our experts to determine if you may be suffering from hormone imbalance and we can walk you through the best steps to make necessary and healthy changes or start treatment options.

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