7 Common Myths About Hormones – Do You Need Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Everyone has a different theory about hormones – whether it pertains to their body or yours, we are often quick to make assumptions about why certain hormonal imbalances might be occurring. The real question though, is do you need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?

The truth is, hormones are complex things and interact with each of our bodies differently. That being said, it’s important to have accurate information when it comes to your hormonal health so you can take the proper actions to ensure that you’re feeling your best.

If you have a question about whether your hormones are the cause of symptoms you’re experiencing, we’re here for you!

Shoot us a line, and we’d love to talk. For now, though, we’ll start the dialogue with this post, seven common myths about hormones.

1. Men do not experience any form of menopause, so I probably don’t need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

This is a myth! Although men do not experience menopause itself, the male body does typically go through hormonal changes around the same time that women experience menopause.

This is called andropause, and it refers to a general decline in testosterone experienced by middle-aged men. Symptoms include decreased sex drive and fatigue.

2. Our hormones don’t shift around until we reach middle age.

This is also a myth! Our hormones can shift around at any age. A lot of times, lifestyle changes are responsible for hormonal imbalances – things like not getting enough sleep or exercise, increased stress levels, and poor diets.

3. I think my hormones may be related to my allergies.

This could be true. Some food allergens have been proven to impact hormone levels; wheat can be a particularly bad culprit.

At times, food allergens can disrupt hormones so much that they are imbalanced for as long as half a year. Hormonal changes have also been shown to impact asthma.

Studies have shown that women who experience asthma have had overly inflamed airways right before their periods begin. At this point in the menstrual cycle, the changing levels of estrogen and progesterone can impact asthmatic responses.

4. I might need bioidentical hormone replacement therapy during menopause or andropause but can discontinue the therapy immediately after.

To each his or her own, but in general, this is a myth. Hormonal imbalances can occur at any point in our lives and are not isolated to any particular period.

Menopause, in particular, can have very lasting effects on women’s hormonal balances, so if you have started pellet therapy, it is probably not a great idea to abruptly discontinue it.

5. Men don’t have thyroid issues.

Another myth. Thyroid issues are more common in women, but 2 out of every 10 cases of thyroid disease are found in men.

Symptoms include mood changes, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, excessive sweating, diarrhea, weight gain, constipation, and depression.

6. It’s my fault that I feel so tired all the time.

This is a complicated one, but first of all – at EvexiPEL, we don’t like to use words like “fault” or “blame.” If you are experiencing symptoms like fatigue or a decreased sex drive, don’t beat yourself up about it!

Your symptoms could be caused in part by hormonal imbalances. At EvexiPEL, we will always look at the big picture to get to the root of the problems that you’re experiencing.

Maybe your symptoms are in part due to hormonal imbalances, and in part due to your current lifestyle. We can help you with all of that and devise a personalized treatment plan.

7. Estrogen is the only hormone that matters when it comes to women’s hormonal health.

This is a myth. Although estrogen is extremely important – and plays a large role in the way women’s bodies function – progesterone is very important to consider as well.

Progesterone plays a unique role in your body’s well-being. For instance, if you are experiencing difficulty sleeping during the second half of your menstrual cycle, this could be a sign that your progesterone levels are a little unbalanced.

Another indication of low progesterone levels is experiencing an unusual level of anxiety during the second half of your menstrual cycle.

We Can Help With Our Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

There is a lot more to hormones than these seven “myths,” but hopefully this provides a small lens into how complex and fascinating our bodies’ dynamics can be.

The most important takeaway is that if your body is feeling a little out of the ordinary, give us a call and we’ll chat. Together we’ll figure out if it’s related to your hormones and if pellet therapy can help!

Article Reviewed By The Medical Faculty and Advisory Review Board

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